
购买商业地产| 体育竞猜


在佛罗里达州购买商业地产与购买新的家庭住宅不同. 成本更高, 资金更难获得, 如果你需要租客的话, 你必须支付营销费用, 识别, 获得新的租约. Purchasing commercial property for a new investment endeavor or a new business is rewarding and can be quite profitable if the process is undertaken strategically and in compliance with state, 城市, 以及当地法律.

在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, our commercial real estate attorney in 迈阿密-Dade handles commercial property transactions from start to finish. We will discuss what your goals are, help you find the right property, negotiate contracts, and more. 联络竞技宝体育竞猜: 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation and to learn more about our commercial real estate services.


Commercial real estate (CRE) is property used for purposes related to business rather than residential. CRE可以是夫妻店,也可以是大型购物中心,还包括餐厅, 酒店, 办公空间, 医院, 还有医生的办公室. CRE通常分为五个不同的类别:工业用途, 多户型租金, 办公空间, 热情好客, 和零售. 

  1. 工业用. 工业用途物业包括制造和储存货物的企业, 比如生产设施和仓库.

  2. 多户型租金. A multi-family rental is generally a large property with multiple smaller units that families rent to live in as their primary residence. They can be small, housing only a couple of families, or large, housing hundreds of families. 

  3. 办公空间. 办公空间是另一种通常被认为是高风险的商业地产. These properties are generally broken down into three different classes based on their condition and location: Class A for the highest quality buildings, B类:较老但仍是高质量的建筑, 而C级则是为急需维修和保养的旧建筑物而设.

  4. 热情好客. 酒店物业是为旅客准备的,包括酒店, 娱乐网站, 或者餐厅.

  5. 零售. 零售物业包括小商店、商业街和餐馆. 


Buying commercial real estate can prove a valuable investment if it is handled correctly. 购买CRE有不同的步骤, 虽然具体的程序可能因司法管辖区而异.


首先要做的是确定要购买的财产的位置. While this may seem an easy task, there are many things that must be considered, including:

  • The history of the property and whether it has the potential to provide a steady stream of income

  • The location of the property, and whether this type of CRE is needed in that location

  • Any work that must be done to the property to make it ready for its intended purpose

A real estate lawyer who specializes in CRE properties can help you find exactly what you are looking for in a CRE.


房产肯定会有一个要价, but the purchaser must do their homework to ensure they do not offer too much initially. There are different approaches used in the industry, but two of the most popular are:

  • 收益资本化法: This approach requires dividing the net operating income (NOI) of the rent collected on a property by the capitalization rate. 

  • 成本法: This approach requires looking at what it would cost to build the CRE from the ground up. 土地成本加上建筑成本, 较少的折旧, 会产生成本法价值吗.

There may be other ways to calculate the offer price depending on the CRE being purchased. 作为你在佛罗里达州的商业房地产律师, 竞技宝体育竞猜将考虑所有选项,以确定最佳报价.


The purchase and sale agreement contains all the terms of the sale and should include everything agreed upon between the seller and purchaser. 在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, 竞技宝体育竞猜会协商, 草案, 审查, and analyze these agreements to ensure they favor your needs and that there is no hidden language that may negatively impact you or your property. 


为房产融资可能是一项复杂的任务, 但必须进行尽职调查,以确保找到最佳条款. 你应该比较几个贷款人,然后再决定一个. You want to know what the interest rate is, what the fees are, and whether there are penalties. Commercial property financing options that can be employed for various purposes include:

  • 长期贷款

  • 小企业管理局(SBA)贷款

  • 过桥贷款

  • Hard money loans (which are a last resort but could be useful in certain situations)

在大多数情况下, the purchaser of the CRE will put a down payment of 20-40% of the purchase price and finance the rest of the purchase price amount. 


Once all the terms of the agreement have been agreed upon and the financing obtained, 购买者可以继续购买该物业. 其他重要事项, 如标题搜索和执行文件, 必须在密钥交换之前发生吗. Once the purchase has been completed, the buyer can move forward with their plans for the CRE.  



  • 这处房产能长期满足投资者的需要吗?

  • 投资者愿意在多大程度上亲力亲为?

  • 当地人口结构将如何影响这类商业地产的成功?

  • CRE所在地区的分区法是什么?

还有其他因素, which is why it is a good idea to hire someone who specializes in this area to provide legal and professional guidance during the purchase process.


购买商业物业作投资用途, several different strategies exist that could prove beneficial in this type of investment. 一些最常见的房地产投资策略包括:

  • 土地银行, which requires you to purchase and hold land and is often used to protect and grow investors' money.

  • 发展, which is probably the most common and is where an investor purchases raw land upon which to build.

  • 固定和翻转, which is a tactic popularized by reality TV and occurs when a property is purchased, 翻新, 然后转卖获利.

  • 购买,康复,租赁,再融资,重复 (brrrrr), which is a way to enjoy passive income through flipping properties that are rented out to tenants.

  • 批发, which involves purchasing a contract from a property seller below market value and reselling or assigning it to an interested buyer.

  • 被动投资, where you do not want to be involved in the property so you simply put capital into a real estate endeavor through a partnership with an active investor, 集资”, 或者股票市场.

如果你还没有决定如何投资商业地产, 艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所, P.首先,竞技宝体育竞猜可以帮助您确定最适合您目标的策略. 每种策略都涉及不同的角色, 责任, 和需求, 所以每一个都应该仔细考虑.

作为商业物业买家, it is imperative that you are aware of your jurisdiction's disclosure requirements and that you receive accurate information from the seller. 你也应该检查房屋. All of this is critical if you live in a state that does not strictly regulate commercial property like they do residential properties. 


购买商业地产并不简单, 但它是有利可图的——比住宅地产有利可图得多, 此外,你的钱被固定在一些实物上,帮助保护它. 在艾伦·雷斯尼克律师事务所,P.A, 竞技宝体育竞猜的房地产律师将指导您购买任何商业地产, 确保交易顺利进行. 通过填写在线表格或致电竞技宝体育竞猜竞技宝体育竞猜 305-672-7495 to schedule a Free 电话 Consultation and to learn more about real estate investments.


We serve clients throughout Florida including those in the following localities: 迈阿密-Dade County including Aventura, 迈阿密, 科勒尔盖布尔斯, Doral, 是海里, 家园, 肯德尔, 比斯坎湾, 迈阿密海滩, 迈阿密湖, 北迈阿密, Tamiami, 威彻斯特, and North 迈阿密海滩; Broward County including Fort Lauderdale, 好莱坞, 库珀的城市, 珊瑚泉, Hallandale海滩, 奥克兰公园, 彭布罗克松树, 种植园, and Weston; and Palm Beach County including West Palm Beach
